Linux gets its name from its pioneer developer Linus Torvalds, a student hobbyist. UNIX OS is the base on which Linux kernel developed; the Linux OS is developed under GNU project. This operating system provides secure Internet environment and was originally inspired by the UNIX OS. The dawn of Linux development and the subsequent expansion process are based on the five pillars: UNIX OS, MINIX OS, GNU, Internet networks and POSIX standard. Computer extremists and developers around the globe have made this system worthy enough, through combined efforts. It is the most trusted OS for web servers, supercomputers and mainframe computers. Google’s Android is also built on the kernel of Linux. Mostly, embedded systems use Linux such as network routers, tablets, mobile phones, video game consoles and televisions. Now, the world is taking advantage of this OS, and its users are continuously growing.
Linux is a fully functional 32 bit operating system and available for free. Linux is an open source inherited system and all the Linux source code can be obtained free of charge, which makes it more popular than other operating systems available in the market. As its source code is open, it can be easily used, modified and developed. Tens of thousands of programmers worldwide are working on it and causing it to have continuous improvement and extremely rapid technological progression. This swift progress makes it the best operating system.
There are several versions and updates of Linux are available in the market, but Mandriva Linux provides the most resent updates of Linux as a whole operating system. Ubuntu and Fedora were popular Linux versions before the Mandriva Linux. Mandrake Linux was founded in 1998, and has made Linux much easier to use for everyone. At that point, Linux as an operating system had been known for its strong and stable performance, but it required people to have a great deal of experience of the system and involved a large number of command-line operations. Mandrake was the best graphical desktop environment, and its GUI configuration tool integrated in Linux respond rapidly. Later, Mandrake acquired Brazil’s Conectiva and introduced Mandriva Linux, which is easy to use for both personal and professional users. It is the most popular Linux version, providing all the functionality and stability of Linux. Mandriva’s notable features include RPM Package manager, which is comprised of centralized management tools, software installation, hardware management, user management and desktop configuration just as the Windows control panel.
Intellectual property protection is gradually getting standardized day by day, thus numerous enterprises are turning towards the low-cost Linux platform. According to statistics, Linux server and desktop market shares are continuously increasing. Windows OS charge high prices and due to excessive update policies more businesses and individual users are moving towards Linux operating system. Employers are also seeing the benefit of less-expensive upgrades and are intended to verify the worth of Linux as well. Linux open source development gives businesses the opportunity to customize it according to their needs. Accordingly, for those eager and intelligent students who turn to the IT industry for their studies, Linux certification is a good choice. Its certification is comparatively cheap and a handful of Linux certified engineers can compete with thousands of MCSE, CCNA experts easily.
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