In my previous blog posts, I have discussed many new and advanced features of the Ubuntu Linux operating system that makes it a perfect choice of home and entertainment purposes. However, it does not mean that it has lost its core strength of programming and development. Linux still offers a perfect environment for people related to development and programming.
So, if you are one of those core programmers who prefer using a command – line interface (CLI), there is a built-in terminal for you.
The terminal in Linux is the most powerful tool that lets you perform activities that you might not be able to do with graphic-user interface. If you have never used Linux before, consider terminal equal to the command prompt of Microsoft Windows, but more powerful. So, when you use Linux Terminal, you basically perform all the activities by just typing some codes. You do not have the fancy animation and eye-candy windows to operate. There would be just a blank screen where you can execute your desired code.
Now, any basic computer user would ask why anyone would use Terminal when there is an easier way to do stuff via GUI menus.
To explain this answer, remember that the terminal becomes a very handy tool when you are not able to troubleshoot any random problem via GUI. Just like Windows operating system, there will be instances when you would not be able to access or configure certain settings or configuration in Linux. In such cases, Terminal shows its power and lets you configure almost anything in your operating system via Command-Line Interface (CLI).
On the other hand, if you remember the commands, it is very quick and easy to configure your Ubuntu Linux via CLI. For instance, you do not have to go all the way to your wired network connections to assign your computer IP address, subnet-mask or default gateway.
To access Terminal, click the “Dash Home” icon on the vertical bar on the left hand side and type “Terminal”. You will easily spot this tool immediately.
Now, single click on its icon.
You will now see a blank screen with just your Ubuntu username. This screen looks pretty similar to the command prompt of Microsoft Windows. To enter any command, just type it and press enter.
For instance, if you are not able to configure your network connection and assign IP and subnet mask quickly, just type the following code in the terminal.
sudo ifconfig eth0 netmask
This code will very quickly and temporarily assign the IP address, and netmask to your computer.
Similarly, you can assign a default gateway to your network connection quickly by just enter the following code:
sudo route add default gw eth0
Screenshots by Zealous.Zaryab